Testudo dev diary #2

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Testudo dev diary #2

Testudo Miniatures
Published by Christian Amerise in Development Diary · Monday 06 Mar 2023
Hello everybody and welcome to the second post of my Testudo diary.
Today I want to introduce my Lithuanian heavy infantry recently sculpted and ready for going into a new Kickstarter campaign.

If you like chess as I do, I know very well what you want to tell me! There is not any Lithuanian gambit, it would be rather the ancient Latvian gambit, a very sharp and daring black  counterattack to the white.
But I'm sure you would understand if I deliberately took the freedom to change the nationality of this chess opening, because look at the infantry standing inside the chess battlefield. Looks strong and no Kings would face a pawn's threat like that!

The infantry only needs a command group.
Don't worry, I'm working on it as well.

As you can see from my sketch, I think to build two or maybe three command groups, with different officer poses and their NCO, drummers and standard bearers alongside.

Testudo Miniatures
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